

Nov 07, 2023

Senior Center gives staff recognition

The Nodaway County Senior Citizens Senate met August 16 to handle the center’s business.

At the beginning of the meeting, the kitchen staff was recognized for a perfect food inspection report from the Nodaway County Health Center. The board was appreciative of the hard work the staff does to keep the standards up to code.

The senior center parking lot still has not been repaved. Vice President Joe Baumli said he had contacted Keller Construction, St. Joseph, which has a contract with the senior center to do the work. Keller had pulled out of Maryville but plans to be back in three weeks to complete the parking lot. As soon as the bill is received, it will be turned into Nodaway County Treasurer Marilyn Jenkins so the senior center can utilize the CARES Act money it was allotted.

The fiscal year 2024 budget was approved. As part of the July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, pay raises were approved for office and kitchen staff and Firavich. A 3.5 percent raise for the staff or 50¢ per hour to $14.50 and a three percent raise or $1,300 for the year was approved. These increases will add $5,400 to the expense budget. The budget is effective July 1 and Firavich will do back pay to bring the kitchen staff up-to-date.

The budget is based on 2023 fiscal year income and expenses. Firavich estimated income of $305,825 and expenses of $370,279.24 for a -$64,454.24 deficit at year’s end.

Baumli said the board needs to emphasize that the senior center doesn’t receive any federal funds. People who make donations of $100 or more can qualify for the state tax credits. For more information on the credits, contact Firavich.

The center has had challenges getting someone to work on the commercial refrigeration units. One cooler has had a freon leak in a place which necessitates the replacement of the condensing unit. Baumli found Andrew County Heating and Air Conditioning. To work in Maryville, owner John Kennedy, would need to get a $189 Maryville license. The center will limp along another month or two replacing the freon.

The water heater has not been installed. Plumber Jim Proctor said he will install it when he gets a chance.

The internal audit is still in process.

The Nodaway County Senior Citizens Senate Inc. fund with the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri increased in June from $200,919.49 to $205,219.24. This account has almost recovered its original investment of $206,431.70. The second account with Community Foundation, the Nodaway County Senior Center Fund has also increased in June from $102,880.27 to $105,081.96. The original investment was $102,229.10.

Steve Sybert will clean and strip the senior center floors over Labor Day weekend. Treasurer Linda Girard suggested serving a snack for the football boys who will help move the furniture. Her other suggestion was buying covers for the chair feet to prevent marks.

July meal counts were lower. Congregate or dine-in meals totaled 769 meals and home-delivered 1,407 meals. Firavich said she has picked up two new home-delivered clients the week of the meeting and four more were to start in September.

A notice has been posted to change the by-laws, to give board members the option of serving as officers longer than two consecutive full terms. This will be voted on at the September meeting.